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Art. 1

The association founded in 1926 in Cannes takes on a new form under Law No. 1.355 of December 23, 2008 and Ministerial Decree No. 2009-40 of January 22, 2009 and takes the name of International Mediterranean Committee classic yachting (CIM).

It will have an unlimited duration and will be governed by the general principles of law applicable to contracts and obligations and the provisions of these articles of association.

Art. 2

This association aims to:

  1. to bring together sailing clubs organizing Regattas and bringing together a fleet of classic yachts with a Mediterranean facade, and National Sailing Federations members of WORLD SAILING,

  2. to encourage and develop by all means at its disposal, Sailing Races for classic yachts,

  3. to establish Race Rules specific to the events which are usually but not exclusively run in the Mediterranean reserved for classic yachts, endorsed by each National Authority sitting on the CIM,

  4. to organize one or more International Mediterranean Championships each year, reserved for classic yachts with the collaboration of the Clubs designated for this purpose,

  5. to sponsor or have Clubs organize regattas and/or events at the National or International Level for classic yachts,

  6. to enact the rule of measurement of classic yachting and to study all the problems specific to classic yachts requiring an identity of views and common positions, in particular by the creation of advisory technical commissions,

  7. for the interpretation of these statutes, it is necessary to understand "classic yacht" and/or "vintage yacht" within the meaning of the definitions proposed by the Rules of the CIM tonnage,

  8. to create and develop between the Members of the Bonds of Friendship, and to support a climate of reciprocity.


The means of action of the association are:

  • The establishment of a gauge regulation,

  • The organization of a CIM Mediterranean championship reserved for classic yachts,

  • Coordinating the actions of the various associations and the calendars of events,

  • The publication of the activities of the association.


The National Sailing Federations members of the CIM, undertake to ensure that their members respect the decisions taken by the Board of Directors, and in particular those relating to the rules of the tonnage, from the moment these decisions have been ratified beforehand. by their competent decision-making body.

Art. 3

The official headquarters of the CIM is located in Monaco. It can be set at any point in the territory of the Principality by decision of the Executive Committee.



Art. 4

The association includesd active members with voting rights at the General Assembly and aggregated members with consultative voice at the General Assembly.

Active members are:

  • The founding clubs: the Yacht Club Italiano, the Yacht Club de France, the Real Club Nautico de Barcelona, the Yacht Club de Monaco,

  • Assimilated clubs: the Hellenic Offshore Racing Club,

  • The following national sailing federations: the Italian Sailing Federation, the Spanish Sailing Federation, the Monegasque Sailing Federation, the Greek Sailing Federation, and the French Sailing Federation,

  • A national association of owners from each country, officially recognized by the corresponding national federation: AIVE, AFYT, RANC and AMBC.


Associate members are:


Art. 5

Applications for admission of new members must be addressed either to the President or to the Secretary General of the association. They include adherence to these statutes as well as to the Regulations for the gauge published by the CIM. The final decision of admission is pronounced on the proposal of the Board of Directors by the General Assembly which decides, during each of its meetings, on the applications for admission presented.

The application file must include all the elements allowing the Committee to get an exact idea of the seriousness, quality and representativeness of the application, as well as the approval of its National Federation.

Art. 6

Membership is lost by:

  • The resignation given in writing,

  • The expulsion pronounced by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors, for non-payment of the contribution (after reminder by registered letter), for non-observance of the statutes and in particular of the Regulations of tonnage, or for serious reason and after formal notice not followed by effect. The member concerned is first called upon to provide his explanations before the Board of Directors and may be assisted by the person of his choice.


He can appeal against this decision before a panel made up of representatives of the National Sailing Federations that are members of the CIM.

Resigning or expelled members are required to pay the subscription for the current year; they cannot claim any refund of the sums paid.




Art. 7

The association is administered by a Board of Directors (CA) vested with the most extensive management powers (and in particular determining the price of the annual contribution of the CIM), composed of at least 5 members, adults and enjoying their civil rights. .

Given the international nature of the association, which is likely to contribute to the prestige and influence of the Principality, the members of the Board of Directors are not required to be domiciled in the Principality.

Art. 8

The members of the Board of Directors are elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly for a period of 4 years, by an absolute majority of the members present and represented in the first round and by a relative majority in the second round.


Representatives of CIM members as well as qualified external persons are eligible.

The Board of Directors is completely renewed, the outgoing members are re-eligible.

In the event of a vacancy in a Director's position, the Board provides a temporary replacement. It is proceeded to its definitive replacement by the next General Assembly.

Art. 9

The Board of Directors chooses among its members an office composed of:

1. the President, whose mission is:

  • to represent the association in all acts of civil life. He represents her in court when she is a defendant,

  • authorized by the Board of Directors or, in the event of an emergency, he brings actions in his name;

  • to order expenses,

  • to execute the decisions taken by the Board of Directors,

  • to chair, with a casting vote, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.

2. a Vice-Presidentwho has all the authority to replace the Chairman in the event of his absence.

3. a Secretary Generalresponsible for carrying out administrative work (drafting of minutes, correspondence, summonses, etc.).

4. of a treasureraccounting for the association's income and expenditure. He also establishes the payment certificates which must be countersigned by the President, operates the collections, gives receipts. Each year, he must provide a financial report on the accounts for the year ended.

Art. 10

The Board of Directors may delegate the powers it deems appropriate to one or more of its members, by special mandate limited in time and in writing for one or more specific purposes.

Art. 11

The Board of Directors meets, on the call of its President, as often as the interest of the association requires.

The President is required to convene it at the request of a quarter of its members.

For the validity of the deliberations, the presence of at least half of its members representing three countries is necessary.

Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present and represented. In the event of a tie, the President's vote is decisive.

Absent members may be represented at meetings of the Board of Directors by a member present who, for this purpose, must be provided with a special written mandate.

The Board of Directors can, in urgent cases, take decisions electronically.



Art. 12

The General Assembly, duly constituted, represents the Supreme Power of the association.

It meets at least once a year, when convened by the President who, in addition, is required to convene it at the request of the Board of Directors or of 1/3 of the members of the association.

The President convenes the members of the association at least 30 days before the date of the General Assembly. The agenda is established by the Board of Directors. Proposals and requests for intervention sent by letter to the Chairman at least 15 days before the meeting of the General Assembly are entered on the agenda of the General Assembly.

Voting rights for active members:

  • The founding and assimilated members each have TWO votes,

  • The National Sailing Federations each have TWO votes,

  • The national associations of owners officially recognized by the federations each have ONE vote.


The members convened to the General Assembly are represented by the person designated by their legal representative.

Each representative of a member of the association may give proxy to another representative for all the deliberations submitted to the agenda of the meeting. A representative can hold a maximum of two proxies.

Art. 13

The General Assembly is chaired by the President of the Association or his representative.

To deliberate validly, the General Assembly must be composed of at least half of the active members present or represented.

If this condition is not met, the General Assembly is convened again and the deliberations are valid regardless of the number of members present or represented; however, they can only relate to items on the agenda for the first meeting.

The general Assembly :

  • Decides on the admission of new members on the proposal of the Board of Directors,

  • Pronounces the expulsion of a member on the proposal of the Board of Directors,

  • Elects the President and the other members of the Board of Directors, respecting the right of each country of the founding Clubs to have at least one representative on the Board of Directors,

  • Hears the reports on the management of the Board of Directors, on the financial situation and the activities of the association,

  • It approves the accounts for the closed financial year and votes the budget for the following financial year,

  • It proceeds, if necessary, to the allocation of surplus revenue. Under no circumstances may these surpluses be distributed among the members of the association,

  • Knows all questions concerning the operation of the association,

  • Ratifies the Regulations for the gauge.


To this end, it deliberates and makes a sovereign decision on all the proposals on the agenda.

In the event that one of its members seizes it of a matter which is not on the agenda, it may accept immediate discussion, if there is urgency, or ask the Board of Directors to provide it with a report.

The deliberations of the General Assembly are taken by the majority of the votes of the members present and represented. In the event of an equal division of votes, that of the President is preponderant.

The votes are cast by a show of hands, unless the secret ballot is requested by six members of the Assembly or by the Board of Directors or the vote concerns persons.




Art. 14

In accordance with Article 10 of Law No. 1.355 of December 23, 2008, the President is required, within one month, to declare to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of State, which acknowledges receipt:

  1. any change in the name, purpose or address of the registered office,

  2. any change in the composition of the administrative body as well as in the functions of its members,

  3. any acquisition or disposal of buildings; a descriptive statement in the event of acquisition and an indication of the acquisition or alienation prices must be attached to the declaration,

  4. any modification affecting the articles of association other than those referred to in point 1,

  5. any decision of voluntary dissolution of the association.

Art. 15

In accordance with Article 11 of Law No. 1.355 of December 23, 2008, the Chairman or a director is required to publish in the Journal de Monaco, in addition to the declaration receipt, a notice mentioning:

  1. any change in the name, purpose or address of the registered office,

  2. the decision comprising the dissolution of the association.

The publication must be made within one month of the declaration.

Art. 16

In accordance with article 12 of law n° 1.355 of December 23, 2008, the administrators must keep a register in which are transcribed the modifications made to the statutes, the changes that have occurred in the administration of the association and the dates of the notices of receipt. relating to it.

This register must be presented at any request by the Minister of State or the judicial authorities.



Art. 17

The gauge commission is responsible for reflecting on the drafting and any changes made to the gauge regulations. It is a working committee responsible for making proposals to the Board of Directors, which decides on the follow-up to be given to the proposals made.

It is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.

It is made up of members who are experts appointed by the Board of Directors, knowing that each national association of owners, an active member of the CIM, is entitled to have at least one representative on the commission.

Art. 18

The calendar commission is in charge of reflecting on the harmonization of the calendar of the regattas of the CIM circuit. It is a working committee responsible for making proposals to the Board of Directors, which decides on the follow-up to be given to the proposals made.

It is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.

It is made up of members who are experts appointed by the Board of Directors, knowing that each nationality represented on the Board of Directors is entitled to have at least one representative on the committee.

Art. 19

The Safety Commission is responsible for considering the optimization of safety conditions during events on the CIM circuit. It is a working committee responsible for making proposals to the Board of Directors, which decides on the follow-up to be given to the proposals made.

It is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.

It is made up of members who are experts appointed by the Board of Directors, and who can call on the opinion of event organizers, race directors, referees, etc.



Art. 20

The endowment includes:

  1. A sum of 7,530.67 euros,

  2. The buildings necessary for the purpose sought by the association.

Art. 21

The annual income of the association is made up in particular of:

  1. income from his property,

  2. membership fees,

  3. resources created on an exceptional basis, subject to the approval of the competent authority (quests, conferences, tombola, lotteries, concerts, balls and shows authorized for the benefit of the association),

  4. donations granted in his favor subject to the authorization provided for by articles 778 and 804 of the Civil Code,

  5. resources related to the issuance of tonnage certificates,

  6. resources related to partnerships entered into by the association.



Art. 22

The statutes can be modified on the proposal of the Board of Directors or of 6 members of the General Assembly.

In either case, the proposed changes are included on the agenda for the next General Assembly, which must be sent to all members of the association at least 15 days in advance.

Art. 23

The General Assembly meets under the conditions provided for in article 15 of the statutes.

The statutes can only be modified by a majority of 2/3 of the members present and represented.



Art. 24

Voluntary dissolution can take place:

  • When the association thhas become irrelevant,

  • When a decision to that effectis taken by the General Assembly.

Art. 25

The General Assembly called to decide on the dissolution of the association is specially convened for this purpose. It must include at least half plus one of the current members.

The dissolution can only be voted by a majority of 2/3 of the members present and represented.

Art. 26

In the event of dissolution, the assets of the association may be liquidated either by the General Assembly or by liquidators appointed by it for this purpose.

The net assets must be allocated to a group in the Principality pursuing a comparable objective.

Art. 27

All cases not provided for in these statutes are the responsibility of the Board of Directors responsible for establishing internal regulations, approved and modified by the General Assembly of the association by a majority of 2/3 of the members present and represented.

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